Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The last two weeks of hazing

Here's some footage of hazes from the last two weeks. Several of the clips are ones I filmed, including the last clip of the buffalo with the gouged eye. This is happening RIGHT NOW. Interaction with agents is getting more course, the buffalo are forced to run faster and faster as days go by, and these pregnant mamas are only getting more pregnant. Several have given birth in the last few days, and calves as young as minutes old are expected to be hazed soon. This week will also see the beginning of the use of helicopter and other more desperate measures to force buffalo off of their migration land and back into the park. Buffalo naturally migrate back to the place from which they were forced within hours, usually overnight. Then the haze begins again the next day. No food, water, or rest for the buffalo and their newborns.

I could rant forever on what's happening here, but this video is less than two minutes long compiled of footage from the last two weeks. PLEASE WATCH IT:

Buffalo Field Campaign: Working to Stop the Yellowstone Bison Slaughter

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